Sunday, December 5

Just breathe and remember...

Saturday I took a trip to the Bountiful, Utah United States Postal Office.  It was about 12:30pm.  I walked in and saw quite a long line as well as many people trying to decide which packaging to purchase.  I found the two envelopes that were suited to my needs and added the items to be mailed, addressed and sealed my packages and made my way to the line where I would wait, patiently for my turn.  For the most part people stood in line and chatted with one another in a pleasant manner.  But it wasn't long before some people started getting irritated.  As the did their irritation seemed to spread to others in line.  Soon people were wondering why the hours weren't longer during the holidays, why there weren't more people working, how ridiculous this line was, etc...  As I stood there I had three thoughts (well more that three, but three I wish to share)

1.  It is SATURDAY FOLKS!  You're at the Post Office on a SATURDAY!  The line is going to be long.  If you didn't know that...well, now you do.  Welcome to the United States Post Office on Saturday.

2.  You are in South Davis County (and it's Saturday).  People here tend to have big families. Not only do they have bigger families they are close to those big families.  I'm talking moms, dads, siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, grandparents, etc...  Lots of those people live in other places.  Perhaps because of work, or military or they are serving missions for a church with a prominence in the area.  People like to mail things to the above mentioned people who are out of the area.  So when the woman in front of you is filling out TEN address forms to send to military bases and small countries were their relatives are serving both the military and the Powers that Be...just breathe...and think about how excited these people who are AWAY FROM THEIR FAMILIES will be when they receive gifts from home.

3  IT. IS. DECEMBER. (you are in South Davis County and it is Saturday).  Due the the prominent religion in the area many, many, MANY people are celebrating the holidays and are going to be sending gifts to their loves ones...both far (mentioned above) and near (because sometimes sending things in the mail is really easier than delivering them...even if the recipient only lives in the Avenues).

So I would hope that each of you...when running any errands this December will just stop and take a deep breath before you get into your car and jump into the madness that can be the holiday season.  One thing I have always loved about the holidays is the crowds in the malls or at some sort of light display or even in the stores.  I worked in a grocery store for about a decade and the holidays were truly some of my most favorite times. is insane...and people can be pushy.  But we do not have to be those people.  Chances are, whatever your errands...they do not involve saving the world.  So just take your time.  Enjoy the crispness (and sometimes biting cold) in the air and smile at the people around you.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Beautiful thoughts, oh wise one. Thanks for sharing. :D