Saturday, October 8

taking the long way part II

As you may know, whether it be from actually knowing me, or reading part I of taking the long way, I LOVE taking the long way...whether it is driving home from 90th south on State Street...or in the case with my mama last weekend, taking HWY 12 home from Cedar City.

My mama and I were in Cedar last weekend and decided to go check out the leaves up Cedar Canyon.  I figured we'd drive up the canyon, over the mountains, pop out on 89 and then cut back over to I-15 at Bear Valley.  But as we were nearing the HWY 12/89 Junction my mom asked if I wanted to head down HWY 12.  I will NEVER turn down the chance to drive HWY 12.  (unless of course there is a really bad snow storm...because it is SCARY in a really bad snow storm.)

There are almost 2.8 million people in Utah (as of the '09 census).  I would imagine that at least 1.5 of those people are never going to experience the beauty that is HWY 12.  I can only hope that my little blog will help to share the awesomeness that is HWY section of it anyway...and SR 14 and a little blurb of HWY 89...

Driving up Cedar Canyon on SR 14...looking down into Kolob

The leaves are a-changin'!

Did you know that all the trees in an Aspen grove share a root system, thus making it the largest, heaviest living organism on earth.  

There was a sign back down the road a bit that said "You can own this view!"  Can you really own a view?  Am I going to have to pay someone for this picture someday?

If you have never been on Hog's Back (rode between Escalante and Boulder) you NEED to go.

Seriously...just take a Saturday or Sunday and go on a REALLY long will be worth it...

I promise....

I wouldn't lie about something like this...gas is expensive these days.

God is good.


Up on top of what I think, is Boulder Mountain.  It looks out towards the Henry mountains I believe...and into Capitol there were HUGE GORGEOUS Aspen groves up here!

Ok so decide when you're going to go and invite me.  I'm a great tour guide AND I will chip in for gas!
You really have to see this all for yourself.  These pictures do not do it I missed a LOT of other B.E.A.U.TI-FUL sights!!!

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