This blog is dedicated to my friend Rachel Coon for no other reason than this is the title of a mix CD that she made and burned for me. It is truly better enjoyed when the windows are down, and the music is blaring! So thanks for that Rachel!
In a recent random weekly poll I asked my closest friends the following question: Driving with the windows up of down?
At the beginning of July I drove to Cedar City. I made 80% of the drive with my windows down, hair blowing everywhere...no music unfortunately...see "all things considered" for reasons why...i have short, "magic" hair so it's not a complete disaster when I get out...it was a wonderful experience...akin to that of driving inside a blow dryer...as one friend so eloquently put. People I spoke with could not believe that I would drive so much of the way, at such a speed with all the windows down...why not? Isn't that the point of windows? So I took a poll...
Here are the results of the poll: (I have included names this time. If you are upset...let me know).
Aubry: "with you: windows down. alone: windows up mostly."
Annie: "Usually down."
Amanda: "If the outside temperature is between 60 and 90 degrees then windows down if I have a hair tie. Otherwise windows up with climate control."
Jessi: "Down!"
Kelli: "in Utah: down. In humid Maryland: up"
Melanie: "Depends on how hot it is outside."
Sister Murray: "Depends on the temp outside."
Becca: "Windows up...usually. Unless is has just rained or stuff like that...and until I get my convertible."
Sunshine: "Down. What kind of question is that?"
Jimmy: "Up"
Snow: "If I have a hair clip then definitely windows down!"
Ronnie: "Depends on the season...and the hair do. It it's summer...no a/c so windows down. But on a good curl day I don't want a big friz fro...so windows up."
Emily: "Windows down in the summer. Unless its blazing hot and you need your a/c!"
Jill: "Windows down. Always." (this is why Jill and I are friends)
Jillesha: "Depends on weather outside. But most of the time down."
Cali: "Up. Definitely." (good thing she is one of the best people I know...I don't know if our friendship could continue)
Sarah: "Down 66% of the time."
Becca: "Down! With music on!"
Jennifer: "Up...except for those oh so precious beautiful spring and fall days when the temp is just right."
Mindy: "Windows down for as long as I can take the heat. In the winter I'll still crack them open a bit with the heater on." (A woman after my own heart...gosh I miss you)!
Ed: "It it is between 70-90 degrees, I'd say windows down, unless circumstances don't allow. Circumstances include: weather, if you're on a date, or going somewhere nice and don't want your hair messed up, of if you're picking your nose." (Ed and I were best friends in our previous lives).
JD Dixon: Down! I have no a/c in my truck."
Adam: "windows down."
Liz: "Windows up."
Devin: "oh, windows down of course." (coming from the man that said: "driving in Utah in the summer with the windows down i like driving in a blow dryer...such wit)!
Courtney: "Depends on the weather."
Lon: "...it depends on the temp and whether you have passengers, but 9 times out of 10 windows down with the music blaring."
Tara: "I know you know my answer. Definitely windows up. Only on very rare occasions and under specific conditions is windows down actually enjoyable!" (SERIOUSLY!! HOW ARE WE FRIENDS?! and...why do you have a sun roof? what a waste...)
What is interesting about these responses is that it reveals quite a bit about personality...who knew?!
In a recent random weekly poll I asked my closest friends the following question: Driving with the windows up of down?
At the beginning of July I drove to Cedar City. I made 80% of the drive with my windows down, hair blowing everywhere...no music unfortunately...see "all things considered" for reasons why...i have short, "magic" hair so it's not a complete disaster when I get out...it was a wonderful experience...akin to that of driving inside a blow dryer...as one friend so eloquently put. People I spoke with could not believe that I would drive so much of the way, at such a speed with all the windows down...why not? Isn't that the point of windows? So I took a poll...
Here are the results of the poll: (I have included names this time. If you are upset...let me know).
Aubry: "with you: windows down. alone: windows up mostly."
Annie: "Usually down."
Amanda: "If the outside temperature is between 60 and 90 degrees then windows down if I have a hair tie. Otherwise windows up with climate control."
Jessi: "Down!"
Kelli: "in Utah: down. In humid Maryland: up"
Melanie: "Depends on how hot it is outside."
Sister Murray: "Depends on the temp outside."
Becca: "Windows up...usually. Unless is has just rained or stuff like that...and until I get my convertible."
Sunshine: "Down. What kind of question is that?"
Jimmy: "Up"
Snow: "If I have a hair clip then definitely windows down!"
Ronnie: "Depends on the season...and the hair do. It it's summer...no a/c so windows down. But on a good curl day I don't want a big friz fro...so windows up."
Emily: "Windows down in the summer. Unless its blazing hot and you need your a/c!"
Jill: "Windows down. Always." (this is why Jill and I are friends)
Jillesha: "Depends on weather outside. But most of the time down."
Cali: "Up. Definitely." (good thing she is one of the best people I know...I don't know if our friendship could continue)
Sarah: "Down 66% of the time."
Becca: "Down! With music on!"
Jennifer: "Up...except for those oh so precious beautiful spring and fall days when the temp is just right."
Mindy: "Windows down for as long as I can take the heat. In the winter I'll still crack them open a bit with the heater on." (A woman after my own heart...gosh I miss you)!
Ed: "It it is between 70-90 degrees, I'd say windows down, unless circumstances don't allow. Circumstances include: weather, if you're on a date, or going somewhere nice and don't want your hair messed up, of if you're picking your nose." (Ed and I were best friends in our previous lives).
JD Dixon: Down! I have no a/c in my truck."
Adam: "windows down."
Liz: "Windows up."
Devin: "oh, windows down of course." (coming from the man that said: "driving in Utah in the summer with the windows down i like driving in a blow dryer...such wit)!
Courtney: "Depends on the weather."
Lon: "...it depends on the temp and whether you have passengers, but 9 times out of 10 windows down with the music blaring."
Tara: "I know you know my answer. Definitely windows up. Only on very rare occasions and under specific conditions is windows down actually enjoyable!" (SERIOUSLY!! HOW ARE WE FRIENDS?! and...why do you have a sun roof? what a waste...)
What is interesting about these responses is that it reveals quite a bit about personality...who knew?!