So recently I had a conversation with my friend about whether or not I have a favorite friend claims that I DO...after many weeks of arguing...I DO indeed have a favorite...well...maybe not a favorite, but one that I relate to the best...I think that each of them has their place as a favorite for something...but I definitely think I relate to one better than the other two because we have similar personalities.
I was surprised by the was quite a vast array of replies. Some people really just do have a favorite...and as Ed says...maybe he is the favorite!
I probably shouldn't even include names as to not offend the siblings of those responding...although I think only about three people read my I'm not going to worry...first names are included.
Alisa: No, but sometimes I do like one more than the other.
Amanda: I have a least favorite , but its not her fault, she has mental health issues.
Annie: Yes. (and I know who...she is pretty great)!
Dave: Of course!
Dave: No, I hate them all!
Devin: It all depends the mood I'm in, but usually I don't.
Brother Hale: No. I don't like any them. Actually, they're all good.
Lisa: Yes...Jesus. :)
Mandy: No...I have a favorite blonde brother, a favorite brown haired brother and favorite sister!
Jill: Each of my brothers have a had their time as my favorite. I think it worked out that they had what I needed and vice versa at that time. Currently, its my youngest brother. Plus he hasn't been taken over by a girl.
Janelle: yes
Jessi: Nope! Can you believe it! I know you do.
Sunshine: No
Scott: All of them. I love them all the same for different reasons.
Heidi: Not me! (this is a sarcastic response).
Ray: My sister
Tim: No...they are equal.
Kelli: No, all things equal.
Katie: I'll go with yes. I like all my siblings, but I'm closer to one than the other two.
Jenn: I only have one...So I guess so.
Josie: No.
Kelly: Yes
Mom: No, not as an adult, probably not as child either. I always wanted to the only child. LOL.
Kathryn: Yep. My sis Alaina. ha ha cuz we're close in age adn best friends.
Sliced Bread: I'm pretty sure you know my answer to this one! :)
Tammy: Yup.
Jillesha: No! I have too many!
Emily: Nope-They're each fun in their own way.
Aubry: nope. But I love them all for VERY different reasons. My relationships with my brothers ebb and flow at times.
Kim: Favorite, no. But ones that I'm closer to.
Ed Parker: No favorite, but that doesn't mean I'm not the favorite to them.
Mindy: Yes.