She has a name...and her name is Rows. She is sea worthy (read: Pineview worthy).
She is a wonderful lady. I am so happy to welcome her into my family and even more excited that she finally has a name.
Folks...I may have found my true love. After a lovely maiden voyage today on the gorgeous waters of Pineview in beautiful Huntsville with the lovely Annette Blackham, I can honestly say that I am in love with Rows.
She had a different name when we headed out on the water. I wasn't totally sold on it...though I was sold on the name's awesomeness...just not for my boat. I had initially thought that I should wait to name her until I was out on the I could see how she handled...but I felt like that might be bad go out on the water without a I gave her a name, but it was more a place holder kind of name. Because there out on the water she told us her name...and her name is Rows.
I love Rows the boat.
(It makes me laugh every time.)
I think that Rows and I are going to have a wonderful life together.
about to set off on our maiden voyage
lovely Pineview.
lovelier Anette Blackham.