I have not been stuck in a ditch somewhere...I just have...been busy. So for those of you who have missed me...I'm back...and hopefully back on a regular basis. :) So I suppose I should give an updated of the last few months...
Well there was Christmas...which is always a joy. Santa provided me with supplies for my kitchen...and what Santa didn't bring was provided by the lovely woman that hit me on Christmas Eve. She ended up going through her insurance instead of paying out of pocket. I took they $800.00 and got new brakes and an alignment...and then bought a few more things for my kitchen. It turned out to be a Christmas present in disguise. Isn't it just a delight to be able to see the silver lining?
So anyway...Christmas was actually pretty cool this time around. When we lived in Chi town it was just us...the Russell's...we had all these great Christmas traditions that we loved...eating steak fondue, Christmas crackers at dinner (not the edible kind of crackers...the British kind), singing Christmas carols around the piano (which is hilarious...since Kelli is the one with the most singing talent...and then a HUGE gap in ability exists between the next talented singer), and most of all...just enjoying the company of one another. So this year, my mother, being the wonderful lady that she is...sent out invitations to myself, Mattie & Scott, Kelli, & Kerri inviting us to a traditional Russell Family Christmas Eve (sans extended family...not that we don't love you...but...well nothing beats a Russell Family Christmas eve)!
So for your viewing pleasure:
What is a holiday meal without a veggie tray?
Kelli wearing her Christmas cracker crown.
And of course there MUST be Christmas J-E-L-L-O!!!
How could you not love him?! (just a side note...playing with the napkin rings like this is a typical Sunday dinner occurrence...it is not just reserved for holidays).

This is the shirt that my mom gave Scottie. It had a picture of all the kids from last Christmas on it and for some reason it was also about three sizes to large for Scott...which is obvious from the picture in which Mattie, Kerri...AND Kelli fit into it! :)
And of course we CANNOT forget the Christmas carols around the piano. Our favorite song is The Friendle Beast and this year we all took a part...and Scott adn I added the animal sounds...the sound on the video is not great...but hopefully you get some idea. This is the performance we did the following night at our regular Christmas Eve festivities with my mom's side of the family. I love my family very much!
Christmas day is much more mellow...we go to breakfast, and THEN open presents...since we are all now old enough and have gained the patience to wait to open presents rather than getting up at the crack of dawn. Then its mostly just napping or a movie or relaxing. I love Christmas with the Russell's.
Oh...but I think the best news of Christmas came a few weeks later when Scott and Mattie told me that they are going to have a baby!!! I am going to be an aunt...and that baby is going to be so spoiled...just like I was...it is great to be the first!