Monday, April 28

Coconut Skins

Sometimes I feel like I should be in a "better" place or "more successful" place in life because of those around me...but I look around and I see my friends and my family and I am happy. Life isn't easy and crappy things happen...hard, difficult things still come my way...but I am happy...and I like my life...and the things I don't like...well...I'm working...slowly but surely at times...on changing them. But when I run into friends from college or high school and they ask me what I am doing and how I am doing and I see that look of disdain in their eyes I laugh to myself, and smile at them...I am happy...I know who I am...I like (most of the time) who I am...and that is not going to change with monetary success or an amazing job, or being a mother of four or five...or whatever...I am not saying I don't have goals and dreams...but just because I am not living the "picture perfect" life that so many think I should like does not mean a damn thing. I am sit on this!

The link is to the Damine Rice song Coconut Skins...I dedicate it to all of you who have disdain and disappointment :)

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