Monday, June 2

Do you believe in love at first sight?

For those of you that know me, it may or may not surprise you that I believe in love at first sight. I have had extensive conversations with friends about this, and decided it would make a good weekly random question.

What I thought was interesting was a handful of people responded they weren't sure because it hadn't happened to them yet. So they at least believe in the possibility. And girls were not the only ones to believe it possible!

One response was that the person hated her spouse the first time they met. So if loathing is possible at first sight...why isn't love? And what about Adam and Eve?

Brooke's response: yes I believe in love at first sight. I guess the better question would have been love at first chat. I believe I can see someone and be immediately drawn to them, NOT in a lustful way, and within the first minute of conversing have that initial feeling of love. So maybe not literally "first sight", but close.

Other responses:

Courtney B. : Yes, I do believe in it.

Adam H. : Hasn't happened yet. Maybe lust at first sight.

Jennifer P. : Absolutely without a doubt...welll...perhaps intense liking at first sight. [I do believe in the] knowledge that you are going to marry someone at first sight.

Amanda C. : It depends on what kind of love.

Jon A. : Lust at first sight yes! Love is a trait you develop and can't be had at first sight.

Jon D. : No, I don't. But I am a pessimist.

Lizzy: No I don't...I do love fairy tales and Disney movies but I don't believe it to be true.

Devin: Yes. (when I told Devin he was the only boy to respond in the affirmative, he responded by suggesting that more guys need to watch Disney movies).

Kelli Jean: I don't know, I haven't had that. (then she responded again): I've changed my answer, yes...Scott and Mattie. (which is funny because Mattie says no)!

Lyn: only lust at first sight. Love takes time to develop.

Melanie: I've been known to fall for love at first sight, yes. (I think your husband did too)!

Tracy: (ever the realist) Myth.

Mandy: No, but looks get the first started.

Sarah D: Nope. (If Tracy wasn't engaged I would set you two up)

Mattie: I believe in lust at first sight. I don't think you can love someone until you know them.

Josie: Lust at first sight, yes.

Tim: "Yes, or do I need to walk by one more time?"

Tara: Nope. Lust at first sight, strong attraction at first sight, yes. But love at first sight is impossible.

Michelle: Absolutely not! On the contrary I hated my husband when I first saw him! You on the other hand Brooke, I have always loved you!

Alisa: Nope, don't believe in love at first sight.

Tammy: Not for me.

Janelle: No.

Aubry: possibly, not so far. (Care to change your answer)? :)

Jennifer B: yes

Jill: yes

Becca W: This is going to sound terrible but I think you have to spend a lot of time with someone to truly love them. To love someone is to know them...better than they know themselves sometimes. How can you care so deeply for someone you just met?

Sara G: No-first dance.

Ed. No I don't believe in love at first sight.


mattie said...

hahaha. scott may have been in love with me at first sight but he wouldn't even talk to yeah. i will say though that i knew he could be someone i seriously dated when he called me that night. but i still don't believe that i was "in love" with him the first time i saw him.

Unknown said...

Well...that was just Kelli's opinion...Scott would never admit to love at first sight :)

aubry. said...

i'm sorry i never answered this one. i intended to. can you amend the post and include my answer?

yes. yes, i do.

Unknown said...

you did answer this one. you are on the list. did you not see my comment next to it?