So, for the last few years I have not really had what you would call a spectacular 4
th of July. Which, in all likelihood, is probably normal as you grow up. However, this year, I decided that I was going to have a great 4
th. So I asked a couple friends if they were interested, had them sign in blood that they would be happy, and enjoy the whole day no matter what it brought, and off we went.
I should start with the 3rd of July, which is when North Salt Lake has their celebration. The fireworks at Eaglewood are always pretty entertaining, and this year there were some small fires on the golf course...just the driving range from what I could tell. Then we went to Village Inn for a little last night pie and silliness. By the time I got home it was close to 2:00am.
Well...the next morning...bright and early, Aubry came and picked my up at about 7:30 ish, and we hit McDonald's and the grocery store for the necessary supplies. I must say I was extremely impressed at the good moods that both Aubry and Jen (Jen in particular) were in. We arrived in Provo and found what could be considered in some circles as the "perfect parade watching spot". (Until this lady came with her spoiled, undisciplined (she has never sang "Always Hold Hands" to them. (see Mom's blog)) children and put her stroller in front of me. However, Aubry, not wanting my fun to be ruined politely suggested she move it to a less conspicuous spot. Which she grudgingly did...and I was able to enjoy the rest of the parade.
Some highlights for your viewing pleasure:
I love Underdog. I have not seen the movie that has come out recently but as a child I remember watching and enjoying Underdog. I love, so, so much. I don't know what it is about them, but I truly feel like I am about eight years old again. They are one of those things in life that really brings a genuine smile to my face.
And, seriously, what is the 4th of July without a little KFC?! This may have been my favorite float. I am not a frequent patron of KFC, but come the 4th, and I just have a craving...kind of like the ones you get a baseball game, but with hot dogs. (Notice the stroller in the bottom right corner).

I also loved this shot of Governor Huntsman shaking hands and being a man of the people, all the while his daughter is hanging on for dear life.
After the parade, one of the largest 4th of July parades in the country and the largest in the state of Utah, we grabbed a bit to eat and then drove up Provo canyon (on a somewhat empty tank of gas) to Jordanelle Reservoir. Jen had been protesting the water part of the day, but I coerced her (I know real healthy;)) into coming and a great time was had by all. Well I had a great time playing in the water and getting sunburned (2nd degree, and yes in my older age I will probably be suffering from skin cancer). The best part of the beach, well, maybe not best, but funniest by far (me laughing, I mean a real, solid, hearty gut laugh, for at least ten minutes) is not appropriate for posting. If you would like further details, please email me. ( I am laughing right now about it).

Aubry and Brooke in the water. After the photo op Aubry left the water to enjoy the sun and a good book...well actually...a nap....

Next it was down the canyon, with a stop for an ice cream cone of course, to shower, sleep, and relax until the real highlight of the day...FIREWORKS!!
We went to Sugarhouse Park for the fireworks, and I wish I had pulled out my camera because there was some serious people watching. I love the Gateway on Fridays and Saturdays for that reason, but Sugarhouse Park on the 4th of July puts the Gateway to shame (even on the opening night of Sex and the City). The fireworks were excellent as well.
All in all it was a great 4th of July. I was reminded how much I love fireworks and parades. Which makes me very grateful that I live in Utah...because you bet your sweet bippy that I will be celebrating the 24th as well!!
Oh and we can't forget 4th of July meal ever!
Ummm I was pretty surprised myself at how good my mood was that day. Even without the kiss during fireworks. There is always the
24th, and I will not wear anything that will compromise my modesty to "Mama Mia".
you want serious people watching--the salt lake arts festival and the jazz fest!!!oh man did shawn and i have a good time, and jedi lady (on shawn's team of course) showed up to both events! anyway, about the 24th, i think i'm in the parade as a sexy lifeguard!
much peace and love
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