Tuesday, October 13

My Dad

Today is my Dad's birthday...and in true Brooke fashion here is a top ten list of why my dad is the greatest....

10. He has a great smile...and because of that...so do I!

9. He has really great hair and you can't really see the gray, and I'm super excited...because I got his hair too!

8. He's very friendly, and can have a conversation with just about anyone...I think I got that from him as well.

7. He can sleep anywhere...I mean anywhere! And it has made for some hilarious times!

6. He's adventurous...he started skiing and biking in his forties.

5. He doesn't really like chocolate...and neither do I...so take that all you chocolate lovers!

4. He is a hard worker.

3. He drilled into my head...in a nice way...the importance of an education.

2. He also taught me that you can't always get what you want and because of that...I am a better person.

And the #1 reason why I have the best dad ever...



kewwi said...

I LOVE DADDY!!! but since when do you not like chocolate? and since when does dad not like chocolate. i have to say this is false!

kewwi said...

haha i thought this was kelli's blog. i didn't know you didn't like chocolate. but i'm positive dad does!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Brooke.

aubry. said...

true that. your dad and i have always had great convo. who woulda thought??