Friday, April 23

One of my favorite poems


No one could believe Jenny
Was happy living alone
So she soberly accepted their sympathy
Like she accepted other
White Elephants
She put in a big box
In the back closet
And thanked them very much

Then...clicked the lock quick
As if hiding a secret

And ate a big salad
In front of the whales and dolphins

And spent an hour
At her keyboard
Processing her words

And sat twenty minutes
At the window
Watching the storm dance branches

And stayed on the phone
An hour and a half
Until a hundred hungry children
Were fed

And then took a bath
Three chapters long

And slept smiling and sprawled
In her queen sized bed.

~Carol Lynn Pearson

1 comment:

Anya said...

Wonderful poem.
sniffle sniffle... (those are my tears of longing for 3 chapter baths)