Wednesday, June 17 the near future

So as of August 31st, 2009 I will no longer be an employee of Beneficial Financial Group. It was announced Tuesday to the company at 11:00am that there would be a restructuring, and by noon a press release had gone out. In the first moments of the meeting I was feeling somewhat stressed...but within minutes of the meeting ending, my worries seemed to subside. Any stress I was feeling was more for those around me who are expecting children, who are the sole income earners for their families (although I am the sole income earner for me family...but I digress) for my own worries...they were practically none. I tried to be worried...I really fact this week, each day I have tried to worry...tried to feel stress...but I can't seem to conjure it. I am so excited...a whole new adventure, chapter, whatever you want to call it lies ahead of me...HOW CAN I NOT BE EXCITED!?

As for what I'm going to do...I'm not sure. But I do know that I am going to start studying for the GRE again, and start filling out grad school apps. I will of course be looking for a new job, but perhaps not in the financial field. I have always wanted to work in the non profit sector or with student involvement on the university if you have any suggestions, or leads, please email me or leave a comment. I am pretty much open to anything. :)

Another exciting aspect of all of this is the possibility of relocating...I don't have to stay here. I do love it in Utah, and especially downtown. Which does bring me to one part of the sad news...I may have to move out of my apartment and perhaps out of the Avenues and out of downtown. I don't want to and I'm going to do my damnedest to stay in the Avenues...but I am being any suggestions or tips on housing would be appreciated as well :)

So that is the exciting news in my life...and really is exciting...I am so happy and so excited. It's liberating when you're single and 30 to be forced to make a big life change. I truly appreciate this kick out the door and into a new chapter of my life. The stress may hit me soon, or later...or maybe it won't...I know for sure that I will be sad on my last day of work, as I leave behind my wonderful co-workers...and I will definitely miss seeing my green-eyed crush at Roula's Cafe :)...but there are wonderful opportunities and new experiences that lie ahead and I am jumping out of my skin to find out what they are!

Send your suggestions for a new career path, job leads, vacation ideas, school ideas, etc....I am open to entertaining all ideas and suggestions. They are greatly appreciated.


simplysarah said...

I too am am excited for the new chapter part you are facing! I think grad school is a fun option. I think working at a university, anywhere, is a fun option. Teaching English in Asia is also exciting. ;)

~AliSa~ said...

I heard about this. That is crazy but exiciting for you! Is anyone getting to stay at Beneficial?

Unknown said...

About 60 people will be staying...including Ray, Theresa, Ramona, Harley GaeLynn-from POS, and others....KA-RAZY FOR SURE!