"All of the "sideways" moments that were shown on the show were never part of the characters real lives but instead part of their purgatory. It was created by each and every one of the castaways as a way of finding their redemption through their experiences on the island. As they came together throughout the final episode in their created purgatory they could remember what they went through in their past on the island and as a result could help one another find their peace and move on into their afterlife. At the end when you see everyone in the church, they have all died at that point. Some had already died while on the island (Boone, Shannon, Jack) while others died after having escaped on the Ajira flight at the end. Those who had escaped in the final episode on the plane (Miles, Kate, Sawyer, etc.) went on to live their lives after leaving the island for the final time. It was only when they came to their own deaths that they found themselves in the purgatory with all the other castaways. They were the most important parts of one another's lives, that is why they were reunited to help one another find acceptance and move on. So I hope that helped you understand it a little better. Ultimatley not all of the questions were answered on LOST but that was so we could come to our own conclusions about some things."
I hope that helped folks! I was sad to see it end...but what a freakin' fantastic ending!
That is a perfect summary. And I love the little tidbits they threw in, like how Ben wanted to stay outside of the church for a while and work through some things (always had good in him, just led a very messed up life with major daddy issues). And the big Jack/Juliet surprise was fun too. Oh Lost, how I shall miss you!!!
i disagree...i think they all died in the plane crash and the island was their purgatory. NONE of that explains what the light was for and why the island needed to be protected or could move. but if the island is like spirit prison it makes more sense and the parallel universe is spirit paradise where they find the truth.
ok, that "explanation" right there is one reason why i will never be able to watch that show. having never seen an episode all i could say after reading that was...huh??? :)
this is why LOST is so great...because arguments will happen for years to come...
I'm not opposed to the idea that they died in the crash and they are working their way to heaven through different worlds...either way...it is definitely in my top 3 favorite shows of all time.
I'm with earn - having never watched a show, sans five minutes of confusion last week, all I have to say is - I'd rather study my stats. LM PS This is MOM not Kelli - I am not sure why her name is logged in on my computer.
Interesting... I loved it too. You need to send this to Katie Wall. She called me after in tears (me too) totally confused.
I cried through almost the entire finale. The entire show was about relationships. The mystical things were just side tidbits in my opinion so the finale focused on exactly what the show was about - the people: who they were, why they were and how they touched each other. I just kept thinking how glorious it will be to be reunited will all those that touched my life too. (aka YOU!) Hugs!!!
Interesting ideas...I too, felt the island was drawing more parallels to life after death. I mean, there were 2 brothers one in white and one in black (good vs. evil) and it would seem that the island was a place to reflect on your life, resolve problems (physical and emotional) and then hopefully, move on to a more peaceful end...kind of like the idea of prison vs. paradise. But, I'm with Brookie--the way the producers set it up, no one will ever be able to stop talking about it, questioning it and wondering about it. They've created a timeless masterpiece then. It's going to be a piece of TV history people will never forget...jack pot for them. Lex and I will totally miss LOST-- we were such die hard fans...now what? loves, JK
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