Monday, August 17

coolest family ever

So as mentioned in the previous post my sister Kerri just turned 18 on Friday. For her birthday she decided that she wanted to go sky diving. So she wrote a will and the whole family drove out to Sky Dive Utah in Erda/Tooele...not sure of the city limits...basically I have the coolest family evidenced by these photos!
Heading out to the plane...amazingly...neither of them seemed mom was worried about the whole "height" issue, but the jumpers assured her it wasn't a height thing...and sure enough when they landed Kerri confirmed it. "It wasn't a height thing at couldn't even see the ground!"

Here is Lorie coming down. They free fell for about a minute and then about 8 minutes of floating and spinning and could you NOT love that!

Here comes Kerri!

Goose and Maverick return triumphant...and EXTREMELY STOKED!!!

My mom loved it so much that she tried to convince my dad...but he feels like jumping out a plane isn't something he really ever needs to do...keeping trying mom!

I would say, all in all it was a pretty great 18th birthday for Kerri (and my mom)!

(To see an entire album click this link:

1 comment:

JBA said...

I am so jealous! DJ and I have wanted to do this forever! What a great b-day. Sorry I am a no good friend. I told DJ Brook's coming to dinner last Sunday and Sunday I remembered I never told you that. Ooops... pretty important step to miss. How bout this Sunday? Let me know!