Saturday, December 26

Blogging resolution

For Christmas my mom and dad were the and got me a new laptop. It is actually a graduation/Christmas present...yes, graduation from college which happened in 2002. But let me tell you that it has been WELL. WORTH. THE. WAIT. Yesterday while I was exploring my new gift my sister Kerri told me that now that I have a computer I should blog everyday. So in attempt to not let my little sister down I am blogging today, and while make an attempt to blog everyday...ok, so that is REALLY NOT going to happen, but hopefully I will be better. And while I'm thinking of goals, resolutions, etc perhaps I will post mine for 2010. I've actually never been much for resolutions...I'm pretty much a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl and so resolutions don't usually work out well for me...but at times in my life I find myself wanting to be better and so I decide to work on a particular trait or issue. A few months ago I found myself wanting to be a kinder person. I've realized in the last few years, but more pointedly so in the last few months, that kindness should NEVER be underestimated. And so for the last few months I've been working on being a kinder person, and I think that it is a worthy resolution for 2010. I can't think of a catchy "Life will be sublime in 2009"...but that is ok because someone else made me a nice little rhyme that I learned as a child. I'm thinking of getting it tattooed on my wrist...however until I make a firm decision I will post it here:

"I want to be kind to everyone,
for that is right you see.
So I'll say to myself, remember this:
'Kindness begins with me'"

And as a plea to all those who read this, I would love your help in working on this, so when you see me, or read my blog, or email me, or text me, or call me...ask me how my resolution is going.


mattie said...

i can't see the last line of the rhyme! but i'm assuming it says "kindness starts with me."

i am with you on resolutions. i can't even remember the last time i made one. i'm not very goal-oriented, so it's good that i married scott. he loves to make goals and actually keeps them.

kewwi said...

Brooke how are your resolutions coming along? Have you been very kind today? I sure hope so!

Courtney said...

Wait, is it possible for you to be more kind? Great resolution and all, but I think you have this one down pat!

threewinks said...

What an EXCELLENT resolution. Even though you are already a very kind and thoughtful person (remember the awesome cupcakes you made me???), I think that everyone has room in their lives to be kinder as well. Best of luck!

Mom and Kenz said...

Good resolution -- I think I will work on it with you. We can check with eachother. I thought you were tatooing a tennis shoe name or something on your wrists?