Monday, December 7

Christmas Cheer...not here....

I realized today that it has been over a month since I last posted. I apologize to my avid readers (insert sarcasm). I usually am all about the writing, but I've felt uninspired this holiday season...which is really a shame because generally I enjoy the holidays...unfortunately I'm lacking in holiday cheer this year. I have made attempts to find my excitement...Thanksgiving dinner was tasty enough, and I did get to see The Blind Side which was excellent, and spending time with my extended family is ALWAYS a good time.

But then Thanksgiving was over and now it is December and I should be jumping for joy with Christmas cheer...but I'm not. I went Christmas tree shopping with some friends last week to see if that would help...not so much. I watched a Christmas devotional last night and listened the the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing...and yet I am STILL lacking in the Christmas cheer department. This week I'm going to attend the Mo Tab's annual Christmas concert and hopefully that will help. This evening I am off to see the Zoo Christmas lights...and I'm sure some time this week I will make it downtown to see the lights on and around Temple Square...until then you can call me Scrooge. No...actually you can't. You see I'm not actually in a BAD mood, I'm just NOT in the Christmas mood. Suggestions of course are welcome :)


kelzone said...

you need to get to the root of the problem...what is preventing you from feeling your usual holiday cheer?
you could always listen to the blind boys of alabama christmas album..that makes me happy.
and wrap up in a blanket with hot cocoa and watch while you were sleeping or white christmas or another christmas-themed movie

ern said... about going to macey's and buying one of the food bags they have to donate to the food bank. never hurts to spread the cheer around a little!

simplysarah said...

Maybe you need a mcgriddle?

Just sayin. ;)

Mom and Kenz said...

Hmmm... are you going to see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir concert - that always does it for me.

How about watching Polar Express or a sappy Hallmark Christmas video.

Or come and talk to Cameron and ask him about Christmas. He'll get you in the spirit.

Anonymous said...

Go do something nice for someone everyday. It helps.

Unknown said...

Thank you for all your helpful hints...I've actually tried almost all of them and they seem to be doing the trick!