If you would like an explanation of the title read
This year our Russell Family Christmas Eve, Eve took place on Christmas Eve to the fourth power and due to the ever increasing Russell family popularity was enjoyed by a few others besides the Russell family...including the newest addition...come on now...say it with me...Jonah Scott Russell!!! I understand if you are getting sick of hearing about him...actually I don't understand that...some things, but mostly people...will NEVER lose their "new shiny red bike" splendor and Jonah is one of the few in my life!
This year my mom's cousins joined us: Anna and Jim and Cory and Ivy, and Tamara. There are seriously some of my most favorite cousins...(and incidentally Anna and Tamara own/run whatever...
White Elegance, so if you're looking for a temple dress, etc...check it out). Our friend
Jen also attended the festivities.
I was all set to take pictures of the events...
Christmas crackers (containing an iTunes gift card...Father Christmas rocks!...or maybe Lorie...probably both)...but all I got was the remains of the crackers.

I did manage to get a picture of the delightful table and delicious eats before we sat down to devour it all...that is our traditional Christmas Jell-O on every one's plate...and yes indeed...my dad is holding a plate of steak and crab legs...it was a break from our traditional steak fondue, but a break that I am pretty sure we all were able to adjust to without too much heart break.
I even got a picture of my mom and Jen as we were about to dig in!

I had planned on taking some pictures of the other guests...but as has been the case lately...my photo snapping mainly comprised of...you guess it...JONAH SCOTT RUSSELL!!! Oh wait...the stockings have been hung by the chimney with care!!!

But that's it...the rest are of my little buddy!
No he did not eat all that rice...in fact I don't think he got to enjoy any of it...just yucky formula...which he later puked ALL OVER HIS MOM!!! Poor Mattie...but hilarious!! (I think Scottie even took a picture).
Yep...still the King of Cute!!
He does need to work on that stellar Russell smile...he'll get there...he is still working on getting teeth!

And even Jen...who claims to be afraid of babies (unless you are talking about her dogs)...got in on the action. *sigh*

It was a Merry Russell Family Christmas Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve with a good time had by all. I love my family so much. I love that my mom's cousins are more like aunts to me than cousins. I love that Saturday night in Tooele I spent the evening with great aunts, grand parents, cousins, second cousins, third cousins...probably thirty times removed...who knows...and I am most grateful to the earlier generations who instilled in me a love for family.