and some football...or Anne of Green Gables...whichever you prefer...with Grandpa
Then of course it was time to eat...

However...everyone else seemed to enjoy themselves...

And for some reason a new tradition of a photo shoot began as well...

"It's terribly, terribly important. Recording what we've done, in words, on paper, it's got to be our way of telling ourselves that we mean something, that we matter. That the things we've done have made a difference. I don't know how big a difference, but a difference"~John Marsden ~Tomorrow, When the War Began
and some football...or Anne of Green Gables...whichever you prefer...with Grandpa
Then of course it was time to eat...
Jason playing his guitar...WITH...a broken pinkie finger!
He is a SERIOUS multi-tasker...probably only one of a very few men who are!
And then of course he is always there to lend a hand with a finicky microphone. This mic was causing a LOT of "trouble" for Lenka during "the show"
Lenka could totally be in the Russell family...she has the right toothy grin!
She was a performer that I had not ever seen before or heard much of, but she is pretty great...ok so that is a bit of an understatement. She pretty much rocks the KASBAH!! And she was hilarious to watch on stage because she is just so mellow and happy to be where ever she is. Kelli and I loved watching her play her tambourine when other artists would perform. Rachel Yamagata was another rockin' performer on Wednesday...SERIOULSY...she performed a song...and now I can't remember the name...and Kelli recorded the whole performance and it was just amazing...and then Kelli realized she had not pressed the record button...bummer dude...she was still A-MAZING!! Plus she sent a couple "shout outs" to her aunt and uncle and thanked them for bringing in dinner for the tour and I thought that was pretty classy.
All the artists were great. I've yet to be let down or disappointed by a Hotel Cafe Tour. And of course I always enjoy a concert with Kelli and my concert going partner in crime Aubry.
Kelli, Brooke, Aubry
Emily Wells, Mieko, Jonny Flowers, Thao Nguyen
Jason, Rachel, Meiko
Kate Havnevik- she likes to unwind with tea after a show.
Meiko-as sassy and "I don't give damn" as always. And of course...a great performer.
So that was Wednesday...well Wednesday until about 11:00pm. Once I made it home I had two house guests waiting for me. Becca and Katie moved to California on Saturday and were saying their goodbyes in Salt Lake to friends and family and crashed with me. The three of us chatted until about 1:30am, and then Becca and I continued until about 4:30am. It was really nice to have that time to say goodbye to a friend that has been such a huge part of my life.
Thursday-November 13, 2008-I managed to have a nice relaxing evening cleaning and getting ready for my weekend.
Friday-November 14, 2008-My friend Jill and I enjoyed a little Thai food at Sawadee in Salt Lake before we headed up to Layton to Aubry's 27th birthday party and Chuck E Cheese. Yes...25 plus year old's birthday partying it up old skool.
SKEE BALL!! The reason for going to Chuck E Cheese.
Jill, Tara, Shorts, Jon
Of course the birthday girl needs a hug from the big Cheese himself!
OR THIS!!!??!!!
"Hello. My name is Jonah Scott Russell and I am pretty much the cutest baby ever."
I LOVE GRAMS!! (Grams is holding him...you just can't see her).
Well...part of me wishes my day had ended there...but alas...I had...in a lapse of judgement...agreed to attend a New Kids on the Block concert. I am familiar with I think...four?...songs. It was not my favorite experience and only reaffirmed my distaste for arena concerts. (In case anyone is going to be attending an arena conert soon, I would recommend earplugs. It will keep out the screaming and you will be able to hear the music much better). I wish I could say that I had a good time. There were moments that were entertaining...mostly due to my friend Jen, who was screaming...possibly on the verge of crying...with joy and excitement each time a new song began. Anyway...chalk it up to experience and it is for sure something I can laugh about...screaming women...mostly in their twenties, thirties and forties...man it stunk like estrogen! GROSS!!!
All in all it was a pretty great week.
This is a song my mom wrote for me. She has copyright on this, so don't get any crazy ideas. It is a delightful song and will instill in anyone, at any age, always and forever, the importance of holding hands while crossing the street. I love this song, and continue to sing it to this day. (More background and history of the song here)
PS and mom...just so you know...you are the most influential person in my life...this song is just one of the MANY examples! I love you!