Monday, November 24

Twilight...of course.

As did many others this weekend I saw Twilight. I saw it with my friends Jen and Aubry...oh and my new friend Jenny :) I didn't have the highest expectations going in...because honestly...if you've read the could your expectations be high. I liked the movie, and my sister loved it...and she falls exactly into the age range it was directed I say it was successful.

Frankly I think it was lose lose going in. How are you every going to make everyone happy about a book that people are hysterical about? (unless of course you want to make the movie 3 hours long (*cough* Harry Potter 1&2)). No movie will EVER equal our own imaginations. I liked it, and I'm looking forward to what will come next.

So that is about wasn't the greatest movie I've ever seen, but it certainly was not the worst. I did have to stifle some serious gafaws during the first half of the movie...SUPER cheesy...I am not one for that much least not in my movies...(I do love to eat all things cheesy, hot and gooey...YAY Twin Falls County Fair). But other than that the scenery was great, and I liked the actors who played the Cullens...actually I liked all the actors. The guy that played Jasper kind of freaked me out...he reminded me of Johnny Depp in Edward Scissor Hands or Charlie and the Chocolate was exactly what is should have been.

What I hope is that Kelli and Kerri will see it with me. Kerri...being the enthusiastic one...can sit on one side...and Kelli...the cynical one on the other...and me the happy medium in between.

So there you have it...what I am REALLY looking forward to is Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince!!!


kelzone said...

since when am I the CYNICAL one? i'm too young and optimistic for that. i just dont like pukey romance novels and like pukey romance movies even less...whatever, i'm going to watch bourne identity. bye

Unknown said...

I am talking about the cynical in terms of these books and movies and these books and movies only. In other aspects of life, it is ARE the optomistic one!