Thursday, February 11


So below is my sister Kerri's most recent blog post. I would just give you the link to check out her blog but it is private and this story MUST be shared. I have been laughing about it since I first read it and am still wiping away tears. I love my sister so much...and not just for this story but because she is one of the kindest most genuine people I know.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

funniest thing that has happened to me in a long time

So i was telling my mom this story and i didn't realize how funny it was until i actually was telling somebody. the story had me in tears, and i don't usually cry when i laugh. my mom was also in tears however, she does cry when she laughs.


on Monday we had a ward FHE. the activity was roller skating. ya totally sweet. me and my roommate dressed up in tight spandex pants and were able to stretch them over our skates, we looked awesome. anyway so we are just having a grand only time skating around the track, but I'm really not so good at skating. we crash a few times trying to go under each others legs, we definitely supplied the entertainment for the night. then i see my roommate talking to a boy she likes but they weren't skating so i decided to go get them to skate. i skated over and as i was nearing the step up that goes off the track i decided to jump. FAIL. i jumped and when i landed i fell flat on my butt. they thought it was so funny and so did i. but it gets better. later i saw a boy from my fhe group who I've known all year, he's a cool kid. DISCLAIMER: he is paralyzed from the waist down. anyway i decided to go get him to skate with me. he is sitting by the bishop and counselor. i skate toward him, and as i am nearing the step up i decide to try and jump again. he sees me coming so he puts his hand out to help me. That's perfect now i wont fall. wrong. i grabbed his hand as i jumped, then as i fell i didn't let go of his hand and i pulled him right out of his chair. yes that is right. the poor helpless kid couldn't really do much since i had a hold of his working limbs. so helplessly he just fell onto the floor with me. i couldn't stop laughing and neither could he. the bishop on the other hand looked at me like i had just caused WWIII or something.

well folks that's my story, hope you enjoyed

your friend



kelzone said...

you stole my next post. i still might re-post it anyway

aubry. said...

you KNEW i was going to love this story, right?

those paralyzed boys hold a special place in my heart... and only really awesome people do things like this.