Well, I'm now in week something or other of school...three or four...it's been almost a month. I still love it. I never want to nod off during class...I can't say the same for my days at SUU...and I am fascinated by all the information that I'm learning...except for the math. I am STILL horrible at it and have the hardest time grasping concepts. For example...the concept of conversion factors...I don't get it and I don't understand why we do it. I think it is just to deter the masses from becoming scientists! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...incidentally, I'm looking for a tutor for chemistry...specifically the numbers side of things...if you know of ANYONE that would be willing to help, who is qualified to help...PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I'm thinking about two hours a week. That would be awesome. Thank you. Moving on.

I'm not sure what exactly to move on to, however, as school is my life right now. I continue to learn in school. And I have not lost my motivation for my end goal. I will be known as nurse Brooke in about three years from now. I don't want to skip chemistry all together...what I really want is to actually understand the concepts that I'm struggling with. I want to be able to explain them to others in a way that others can understand. I want to not feel as if my head is going to explode while I'm working out equations on my test. I know it's possible...I still have plenty of room in my brain...I just need make s

ome more of those synaptic connections...forget a love connection, in spite of the looming "day of love". I need knowledge...and perhaps a small box of conversation hearts. Because who doesn't love a good box of conversation hearts. But also, who doesn't love being intelligent and smart?! HELLO! I want to be the next Einstein. Or have a head the size of BF Skinner! So for all you intelligent, math/science oriented folks out there...give me a shout...ring me, or leave a comment. I need help!
wish i could help, but im a little far, and also busy. good luck!
wish i could help too, but like kerri said, i'm a little far and also chemistry was what kept me from a 4.0 sr year so even if i were closer i wouldn't be able to help.
Sorry - out of my league.
Ahhh, the days of nodding off during classes in the Centrum! I love those moments of Suzanne Larson watching me wipe drool from my notebook. Man, you know how I just adore Math and Science...umm, yah-- I got nothin' that's why I married a Science/Math whiz so I woould never have to think about those things again-- even in the next few years when my kids start bringing home Chemistry questions. Wish Lex was around ...he's a great tutor. Good luck though! love you more than all the common denominators in the free world...what the crap is a common denominator? That term just surfaced as a very, very distant memory... fading...and now it's gone completely, still love you though. -- Jessi Kay
Oh so sorry... chemistry was never a good thing for me.
Good luck!
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