Sunday, February 14

Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's day.
I LOVE Valentine's day.
I always have.
I love getting Valentine's.
I love giving Valentine's. When I was in elementary school my mom (who I love) helped me create a real mailbox from cardboard to hold all my Valentine's from kids in my class.
I love that the day is all about love.
I don't have a significant other right now.
I'm not dating anyone, but I've never really thought that is what this day is about.
Sometimes I think it is a day that Hallmark invented to sell cards, but you can read all about the historical aspects of Valentine's day.
I think it's a nice reminder of all that I love...

my family
my friends
my favorite restaurants
my iPod
my Converse shoes
sunny days
a relaxing Saturday evening
my beliefs
my knowledge
a roof over my head
and many other things that I'm not going to list because I think you get the idea.


1 comment:

JMay said...

A nice reminder of all that we love, a great way to put it :-)

I agree!