Wednesday, February 3

An Education

School continues to kick my trash, but I'm loving it. Well, it's more like working 40 hours a week and going to school is kicking my trash...I've even been forced to give up a large portion of my social will I ever make it?!

Seriously folks...I feel like I'm going to just fall asleep where I stand, or rather sit at this moment...but I've learned that when we do give up certain things, especially things we love and cherish, we are often granted other...blessings, in their stead. Today I realized one of the great blessings that I have been given since going back to school.

Each day as I sit in my chemistry class and the universe is deconstructed before my eyes at a molecular level...whether I am actually grasping what the professor is saying about anions and cations, (I really am, I promise...well I think...Monday's test will tell) I find continual, inarguable and solid reaffirmation of the existence of God; that He is truly the "Master of the Universe". My testimony of His omniscience, his intricate knowledge of each of his creations, His intimate knowledge of me, of each of solidified. Learning about the structure of table salt, and the breakdown of an atom and it's electron shells, subshells, and orbitals are just a handful of examples that God is intelligent...that He is truly ALL knowing. He does know us. He knows His universe. He created all His worlds without end through natural law. I'm so grateful for this reaffirmation. It is something that I've always believed, but to see it at it's most basic level is truly awe-inspiring. I'm so grateful for the knowledge I have of this gospel and for a brain that works and for professors who are teaching me exactly how my brain works.


kelzone said...

it is pretty dang sweet. just imagine when you are a nurse how often you'll witness God's miracles. plus if you're in hawaii you get to bask in one of the greatest of his creations (at least i'm pretty sure it is...but i don't know, i've never been. but it has a beach. so it is)

mattie said...

i agree with you. especially in my studies of philosophy, i find that most of it is bull crap and it just reaffirms what i know is true.

mattie said...

great testimony, by the way. i really loved reading it.

Unknown said...

Thanks Mattie! And yes Kelli, HI is my five year plan.