if I cannot bring you comfort
then at least I bring you hope
for nothing is more precious
than the time we have and so
we all must learn from small misfortune
count the blessings that are real
this is a time to be together
and the truth is somewhere here
within our love of people
at the closing of the year.
As 2010 will NOT be going down in my history books as the "best year ever", but still wanting to ring in 2011 with a good attitude, I've decided to focus on the highlights of 2010. Because despite how unfun a lot of this year has been...I also had some really great times.
Taking out the fence at the bottom of the tubing hill at Soldier's Hollow with my mom. We took out about three of the six rows of fence and luckily did not get kicked off the hill.
then at least I bring you hope
for nothing is more precious
than the time we have and so
we all must learn from small misfortune
count the blessings that are real
this is a time to be together
and the truth is somewhere here
within our love of people
at the closing of the year.
As 2010 will NOT be going down in my history books as the "best year ever", but still wanting to ring in 2011 with a good attitude, I've decided to focus on the highlights of 2010. Because despite how unfun a lot of this year has been...I also had some really great times.
Taking out the fence at the bottom of the tubing hill at Soldier's Hollow with my mom. We took out about three of the six rows of fence and luckily did not get kicked off the hill.
Super gluing my fingers together and then spending about three hours trying to get them unglued.
Lesson learned:
Do not talk on the phone while trying to do projects involving super glue.
Lesson learned:
Do not talk on the phone while trying to do projects involving super glue.
Watching the mouse who got it's hind legs stuck in the sticky trap, crawl across the floor. I will not post pictures, or the awesome video, as it tends to give some people the heebie geebies. But click here to see the full detailed post. Complete with pictures and video.
Jennifer Platts married Ed Parker.
And they had what might be, the best reception I've ever been to.
Such a great couple. One of my all time favs to be sure.
Jonah was adorable...ok so he was adorable last year too...and will be again in 2011...but he is for sure a highlight...possibly the highesty highlight of them all.
I purchased a pool for my balcony. It was the best ten bucks I've spent in a long time. Jonah loved it. I loved it. Many warm evenings and hot afternoons were spent sitting on my chair in the pool reading a book or taking a nap.
Two words: Pineview Reservoir.
From about the middle of June until the middle of August I found myself (along with various family members and friends) lying on the beach once a week at Pineview. It made for the best mini, mini getaway each week. And by the end of the summer I was a blonde bombshell.

A picnic lunch for multiple people:
Inflatable raft from Smith's: $3.00
Entrance fee to reservoir: $11.00
Soaking up rays, skinny dipping at the buoy (yes, in the middle of the day), and watching Jonah frolic in the waves:
4th of July.
Jennifer Platts married Ed Parker.
And they had what might be, the best reception I've ever been to.
Such a great couple. One of my all time favs to be sure.
Jonah was adorable...ok so he was adorable last year too...and will be again in 2011...but he is for sure a highlight...possibly the highesty highlight of them all.
Two words: Pineview Reservoir.
From about the middle of June until the middle of August I found myself (along with various family members and friends) lying on the beach once a week at Pineview. It made for the best mini, mini getaway each week. And by the end of the summer I was a blonde bombshell.
A picnic lunch for multiple people:
Inflatable raft from Smith's: $3.00
Entrance fee to reservoir: $11.00
Soaking up rays, skinny dipping at the buoy (yes, in the middle of the day), and watching Jonah frolic in the waves:
4th of July.
It was nothing spectacular as far as fireworks go. Just a barbecue with mom, the sibs, Jonah, Shorts and Bingley...and the hose. But we did have a great time discovering Jonah's love of spraying anything with the hose.
And I would be totally remiss if I failed to mention the TWO Brandi Carlile concerts from this year. The first was at Red Butte Garden with Katie Herzig. It was Kelli's first B.C. concert and I have rarely seen her so genuinely filled with joy. Kerri is also a solid fan now. The second show was at the State Room. She played the entire Story album for her first set and then came back for a second set. Kelli and I went to that show...which was a really huge deal for Kelli because it was her first concert at a 21+ venue. AND she got a guitar pick from Tim...well, I got it and gave it to her.
I don't have any pictures from the State Room show, but here are some Red Butte photos.
this picture makes me laugh out loud every time I see it.

Sticking with the musical theme...the greatest musical discovery of this year...thankfully made early in the year...and possibly the greatest musical discovery since Brandi Carlile...
Seriously folks...if you have not listened to them by now (and you should have because I've raved about them MANY times this year) get to steppin' before the year is over. Unfortunately I did not get to see them this year...but that is my goal for 2011.
Here is a taste of what you really need to check out:
Now go buy their album (Sigh No More). do it. now. seriously.
Mama graduating with her second Master's.
My mom finished her year long master's of administrative ed program at the Y at the beginning of the summer. She wasn't going to walk, but we (the sibs) talked her into it. And I was lucky enough to go to Provo with her and watch her. It was truly such a proud moment in my life.
(and apparently I lied about not having pictures from the BC concert at the State room. this is a picture of Kelli after the show with her pick from Tim)
We took a trip to Flaming Gorge which was a blast. Here are some scenery photos. For a more detailed documentation of the trip and family pictures (and MANY pictures of Jonah) click here. And it is worth the click. There is a great story about a flat tire. Which is typical for our vacations. We should be old pros by now when it comes to changing tires.
I think the highest highlight of my year was my date with Jonah. We hit the aquarium, the Belgium Waffle House, Temple Square, lots of "water falls" and puddles, and the "train" (Trax). Jonah was so good the whole time and I'm pretty sure we both enjoyed all of our adventures equally. And he loves walking. At least he did that night. We covered a lot of ground...and at the perfect pace.
That's about it folks. Despite a lot of unfun stuff...there were definitely a lot of good times. Oh dropping Kelli off at the MTC was definitely bitter sweet. There were no tears, but I was sad to say goodbye to my concert buddy for 18 months. I'm accepting applications for a new concert buddy for 2011. There are a couple shows at the end January so get your application in now.
2010...don't let the door hit you on the way out...
2011...I've got open arms, baby!
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.
- Douglas Adams